Highly Corrosive Lighting

Lighting fixtures that are typically designed for corrosive and harsh environments. They can protect the light fixtures from corrosion and provide reliable, efficient, and safe illumination.

Highly Corrosive Lighting

Applications like swimming pools, ports and terminals, industrial sites where contain highly corrosive gases and chemicals, salt water, and/or high humidity level, require more attentions to reliability of lighting fixtures. Extreme corrosive environments cause great potential for corrosion. Reliability reveals how long lighting fixtures can last and whether they can keep functioning under these corrosive environments. To ensure reliability in highly corrosive environments, lighting fixtures have to endure corrosion. 

Humidity and moisture play a major role in inducing corrosion and failure. The housing of lighting fixtures must be reliable against ingress of water and moisture. The degrees of protection against moisture are classified by IP rating. Specific IP rating depends on your applications. Apart from ingress protection, housing material is also critical. Some materials are easy to react with corrosive gases and salt water, and result corrosion. Stainless steel and aluminum are the two common materials of the housing of luminaires. Both stainless steel and aluminum have strong resistance to corrosion, but they will eventually succumb without proper surface treatment. But most housings of lighting fixtures for highly corrosive environments are made of aluminum. This is because even if the surface coating of an aluminum housing is breached, it will not affect structural integrity. 

AGC provides reliable and high quality lighting fixtures for highly corrosive environments. Our luminaires are made of low copper aluminum alloy materials, which brings strong anti-corrosion performance. All of our products have passed relevant IP and salt spray tests. The robust and compact luminaire design also offers a high degree of resistance to shocks and vibrations. In addition, our luminaires achieve precise light distribution without light waste.

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