LED Area Lights

LED Area Lights provide sufficient light levels to increase visibility and make the large outdoor areas including parking lots, walkways, perimeters, etc, safe and secure at night.
LED Area Lights

Area lighting is aimed to ensure the safety and security of vehicle drivers and pedestrians at night. It is the lighting designed for large outdoor sites and spaces. The area lighting increases the visibility of drivers, and enables them to detect the obstacles in time, avoiding accidents. It also provides illumination and light the way for pedestrians and cyclists, making them safer when dark falls. Good area lights not only light up the space but also take lighting effects on surrounding areas and environment into account. Spill light, sky glow, and light pollution are prevented with qualified area lights. Energy efficiency is equally important for good area lights. Therefore, more and more properties retrofit or replace their traditional area lights with LED area lights.

Our LED area lights range from residential to industrial use with a range of options to cover a wide range of outdoor spaces. Multiple optics, mounting options and sensors are available, minimizing the light trespass to surrounding areas and environment. Additionally, free light plans are optional to ensure the best lighting effects and even distribution without spotty lighting.

What is an area light

An area light is typically designed to illuminate large outdoor areas, such as parking lots, walkways, perimeters, etc. To illuminate the large area, area lights are often mounted on high poles. Area lights are of different sizes, tapes, and designs. The selection of area lights shall be based on your needs. The key purpose of area lights is to increase safety and security during the dark. This requires sufficient light levels. But excessive and over lighting should be avoided. Light distribution should be carefully controlled and keep the sky, wildlife, and neighborhoods from light trespass. For outdoor use, area lights are also fitted with strong resistance to harsh environment including water, high temperature, impact, etc.

Why choose LED area lights

Compared to conventional light sources, LED area lights have a lot of advantages. Here are two outstanding advantages of LED area lights - higher efficiency and longer lifespan. Higher efficiency means LED area lights consume less electricity to provide the same light output. LEDs can save up to 70% more energy consumption than conventional lights. The saving cost could be tremendous in a long term operation. The functional lifetime of LED area lights can reach 100,000 hours. If they are on 10 hours per day, they can last about 27 years! The long lifespan also refers the low maintenance. Both the higher efficiency and longer lifespan of LED area lights help you cut down electricity bills.

What light distributions do you have for LED area lights

Selecting LED area lights with right light distribution is important for the lighting performance. Appropriate light distribution cover and light up the target area with minimum light loss and trespass. According to the classification of light distribution patterns of IES, there are 5 main light distribution patters:

Type I Light Distribution

Type I light distribution provides a wide, symmetrical light for fixtures located in the middle of a narrow walkway. The width of the pattern it creates is about equal to the fixture’s height.

Type II Light Distribution

Type II fixtures have a slightly wider distribution and are intended for installations where the fixture is placed at the edge of the roadway. They light an area up to 1.5 times wider than the mounting height of the fixture.

Type III Light Distribution

Type III light distribution is also called “bat-wing”, casting light about 2.75 times wider than the mounting height of the fixture. Fixtures should be placed along the side of the area to be lit, allowing the light to project outward.

Type IV Light Distribution

Type IV light distribution fixtures are known as forward throw or asymmetric fixtures. Like Type III fixtures, these light fixtures will cast light 2.75 times wider than their height, but produces a more rounded distribution pattern that pushes the light outward, will little light falling behind the fixture. They’re best mounted on walls or used to illuminate specific areas.

Type V Light Distribution

Large spaces usually require Type V light fixtures. These fixtures distribute light evenly around all sides of the fixture, usually in a square or circular pattern. 


AGC provides LED area lights with Type I/ II/ III/ IV/ V and asymmetric lighting distributions to meet any of your project needs, covering street sides, parking lots, roadways, building exteriors, etc.

What is a dark sky compliance fixture and why does it matter

A dark sky compliance fixture is designed to reduce light pollution, and it means the fixture passed the IDA Fixture Seal of Approval program. The IDA aims to protect the natural dark sky. They think controlling outdoor lighting, which includes eliminating skyglow, reducing light trespass and minimizing glare, is the best way to protect the natural night sky. Dark sky compliance is important because it is related to the safety of natural environment and the health and well-being of both people and wildlife. Whether your lighting fixtures need dark sky compliance depends on your location and your local regulations. As outdoor lighting, LED area lights should be sky friendly. Full shielded LED area lights are the good star to protect natural environment. Perfect light control reduces trespass effectively. The right light level and CCT offer a comfortable lighting experience.

Any LED area lighting solution to handle industrial environments

We offer LED area lights in industrial grade. The harsh industrial environments include high temperature, impacts, corrosion, water, dust, explosion, etc. Our luminaires are designed for specific harsh industrial environments. All of them have passed relevant tests. Take LED area light as an example, HA04 is specially designed for challenging areas like conveyors and narrow pathways. With stainless 304 and LM6 material, HA04 has strong corrosion resistance, being able to withstand the challenging environment in conveyors. We also provide LED area lights with IK10 protection and die cast aluminum housing, perfectly handle the high impact and high temperature environment. To discover more industrial LED area lights, contact us.

Retrofitting and using new fixtures, which is the better option for legacy or historical lights

Both retrofitting and using new fixtures could be a better option for legacy and historical lights. If you want to keep the aesthetic appearance of historical lights, retrofitting is a better choice. Otherwise, using new fixtures makes sense. But no matter which option you choose, LED lights are the best option for retrofitting and replacing. HID lights were the first and common area lights traditionally. However, HID lights have optical losses, low efficiency, and poor dimming ability. Today, LED area lights are more popular due to their high efficiency over HID lights. LED area lights feature low energy consumption and high light output. They also have outstanding dimming and control ability, delivering the right amount of light at the right time. The combination of high efficiency, low maintenance, and flexible control contribute to tremendous cost savings. AGC provides both LED retrofit kits for historical lights and modern LED area lights, communicate with our experts to choose the right lighting solution for your legacy or historical lights.

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