How To Deal With LED Fixtures Corrosion

How To Deal With LED Fixtures Corrosion


When you buy a new LED fixture, it is fresh, shiny, smooth, and vibrant. After using it for some time, it may become dull, rough, or even broken. It may even fail to light up, and maintenance can be very difficult. This might caused by corrosion.

What is corrosion?

Corrosion is the deterioration of a LED fixture's materials caused by the environment; surface corrosion will cause the LED fixture to have a terrible appearance, while rusty screws will lead to water pollution. A defective structure can even cause electronic component damage and make it impossible to open the fixture. 

corrosive LED street light

What caused corrosion?

The main factors that cause corrosion include corrosive gases, water, salt, temperature differences, and humidity. It usually happens in some areas close to the coast or island, on a wharf, port, or board, because there is seawater in the air, which contains high humidity and salt. Besides those locations, in the tunnel, most fixtures are exposed to chemical fumes from vehicles and road salt. Also, the cold storage facility is very humid and freezing. In addition, food processing factories use a high-pressure water torch to wash led fixtures with acid and alkaline liquid; other places that have corrosive gases include swimming pools, chemical factories, power stations, smelting factories, etc.

How to select the right LED fixtures for corrosive locations?

The key factor is to choose LED components that have good anti-corrosion performance, including the housing, screw, and bracket. At AGC, most of the luminaries have special treatment technology, and we apply suitable coating material to the surface of components to prevent electrochemical corrosion and create a protective layer.  

Another thing worth attention to is respirators is unnecessary sometimes. It should be up to the needs of the project. For example, the swimming pool doesn't need to install respirator to prevent corrosive gas from entering into the fixtures. 

Last but not least, don't forget to go through some tests and choose a high-level IP-rated LED fixture.

To conclude, for corrosive locations, the LED fixtures must have anti-corrosion protection to ensure a longer lifespan and avoid maintenance issues. AGC team would always like to help you select suitable products for your market, improve your project or sales channel competitiveness, and grow your sales revenue. Please contact us now to get more recommendations.


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