How to Choose Shipboard Lighting?

How to Choose Shipboard Lighting?

Lea Li

shipboard lighting

Shipboard lighting is an essential aspect of maritime safety and efficiency. Properly installed shipboard lighting can improve visibility, optimize energy efficiency, minimize radiation interference, and enhance the overall functionality of a ship. Nevertheless, it can be challenging to choose the ideal shipboard lighting system given the harsh marine environment, unique regulatory requirements, and diverse ship functionalities. In this article, we'll cover how to select suitable shipboard lighting using the FL44 anti-corrosion flood light as a case study.

Corrosion resistance is fundamental when picking shipboard lighting. Marine environments expose lighting systems to corrosive elements, so corrosion resistance is vital. The FL44 anti-corrosion flood light, designed for shipboard, offshore, and seaport lighting, is built to withstand these conditions. With an IP66 rating and IK08, it guarantees ample water and dust protection. The fluorocarbon protective layer provides high levels of protection against saltwater, humidity, and chemicals. Furthermore, its mechanical housing made of a low-copper aluminum alloy with a unique powder coating, provides protection and longevity.

FL44 LED flood light for shipboard lighting

Shipboard lighting systems must comply with hazardous location lighting requirements and not interfere with ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communications, particularly VHF radio wave communication at sea. VHF radio wave interference can pose a significant risk to communication safety. Hence, shipboard lighting systems must comply with regulatory requirements for preventing electromagnetic radiation interference.

The FL44 anti-corrosion flood light is compliant with EN 61547:2009, which guarantees that it won't interfere with VHF radio waves at sea. This means that the FL44 anti-corrosion flood light has undergone rigorous testing to ensure that it does not release excessive radiation, which can interfere with communication systems. Its VHF radio wave compliance makes it an ideal lighting solution for ships.

To ensure resistance to saltwater corrosion, lighting systems must undergo salt spray testing. With its ability to provide excellent corrosion resistance that satisfies specialized environments, the FL44 anti-corrosion flood light, after undergoing over 1000 hours of salt spray testing, makes it ideal for loading bay docks while enhancing energy efficiency, productivity, and safety.

In conclusion, the ideal shipboard lighting system necessitates meticulous comprehension of marine environmental conditions, regulatory essentials, and lighting system functionality. The FL44 anti-corrosion flood light constitutes a suitable lighting solution for shipboard, seaport, and offshore lighting, given its excellent resistance to corrosion, compliance with regulatory needs, and mechanical sturdiness.

If you have similar project requirements, please contact us. In addition to standard products, we can also customize products and provide solutions for you!


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