How to Control Overall Costs in the Street Light Tender?

How to Control Overall Costs in the Street Light Tender?


To ensure the safety of drivers and pedestrians, each government will invest a lot of capital in street lighting. When we join the tender, normally we think more about long warranties, corrosion resistance, intelligent control, time dimming, etc. While there is a key point, we are easy to neglect it. That’s the street light pole quantity.

Do you consider about the pole cost? How much do the street lights pole cost and How much does it cost to install a street light?

There are so many factors involved in the cost of a single light pole, it can be difficult for towns and cities to estimate costs when there's a large area to be addressed. The location of the street pole is also a factor. A city street light pole installation cost is less than installation in hard-to-reach areas or certain architecture, such as highways or bridges.

The average street light pole cost ranges from 2000 - 3000$, not including installation. The installation cost depends on the city, but the average cost somewhere is about 1000USD, some even higher.

From an overall prospective, with less pole quantity to meet project demands, we can shorten the total cost as much as possible, which will give us a big chance to win the tender. 

What should we do to reduce the pole cost as possible?

AGC below specially designed optics, a kind of “bat-wing” optic, make sure lighting expands as far as both sides of street light poles.

bat wing lighting optics

lighting simulation chart

Since the streetlight only projects over a distance of three times its mounted height, at 10m tall, the light output is only distributed over 30m of the roadway. 

Therefore, as there is a specific length of roadway needed to install street lights, you need more street lights to meet the roadway specification and avoid the zebra pattern appearing. 

Hence, the bat-wing optic with wide lighting distribution can greatly help to avoid increasing the quantity of street lights. 

That means, if there is a 30KM road with a 30m pole distance, we normally need to install 1000pcs LED streetlights by using common optics, while we only need about 500pcs if using this specially designed bat-wing optic and meeting related uniformity. Even though the single lighting fixture costs more, the overall costs will be reduced a lot, obviously from pole costs, installation costs, maintenance costs, etc. 

Contact us to discuss further details.



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