How to Design Parking Lot Lighting

How to Design Parking Lot Lighting


Speaking of the parking lot or garage lighting design, which points you are considering?
Follow us to know more in the below passage.
Pedestrian and driver safety is always a top consideration. Look at the below picture:
When there is too much contrast between bright and dark areas, it becomes difficult to see people and cars in the darker regions.

uniforminity in parking lot
So low glare, uniform lighting, and no light pollution are key to a good lighting design. 

Well,  all the light fixtures can not be the same distribution.

The parking lot is mostly divided into an entrance, exit, sidewalks, passageways, parking centers, and parking spots of different sizes. Entrance and exit areas, as well as crossroads, may require different types of luminaires and higher lighting levels compared to basic parking areas.

Type I is commonly used in sidewalks; Type III and Type IV light distributions are suitable for illuminating the sides of parking spots, buildings, walls, passageways, and other areas requiring broader coverage. On the other hand, Type V distribution provides consistent light intensity at all angles and is primarily used in parking centers.  For more details, you can look below pictures.

type 1 lighting distributiontype 3 light distributionstype 4 light distributionstype 5 light distributions

If your project is near residential areas, it's important to consider backlight control to prevent light spillage into their windows.

consider the back light in road and parking lot lighting

Meanwhile, If you're replacing existing fixtures or adding new ones, collect information about the luminaires 
you want to replace, including type, mounting height, and general lighting details. Choosing a suitable light distribution that matches the existing fixtures is important.

In addition, for parking garages, it's important to consider lighting levels for transition areas, especially during the daytime; IESNA recommends a low light level for basic parking areas higher light levels for ramps, and higher still for entrance areas. 

IESNA different parts of illumination in different zone

Also, most parking garages lack natural light; adding an emergency power supply is recommended to reduce the accident rate and make your parking garages more efficient and safer. (IESNA: the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America )

Whether your parking lot or garage is commercial, residential, industrial, etc, they have different lighting standards, so it is also necessary to refer to your local standards when designing; if you want to transform or upgrade your project, please get in touch with us.


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