Lighting Calculation

Lighting Calculation


Football field is the most common sports infrastructure in every country. Many government and corporations attach great importance and spend a lot of effort to sports field construction, which is not only for the health of the people, but also for the safety of athletes training. Therefore, lighting calculation has become an indispensable part of football field construction.

What is lighting calculation?

Lighting calculation usually used before lamps installation, which is based on the size of the court , the height of the lamps and lanterns, the number of installations, with a computer to calculate the uniformity of light, glare value of the court.

Why lighting calculation is important?

What kind of benefit do corporations get from the lighting calculation? Why is the lighting calculation very important? Here are the results as below.

1. Ensure the uniformity of illuminance

With the help of lighting calculation, it is good to know how to install flood lights to ensure the uniformity of illuminance  in every corner of the court. Adjusting the angle of a fixture in a computer simulation will be easily to know the uniformity of illuminance, which prevents laborers from having to climb for a long periods of time to test the optimal beam angle. Therefore, it can help save labor cost a lot for many companies. The picture below shows that illuminance can be datamined by computer in each corner.

light simulation light plan

2. Reduce light pollution

Spillover light, glare light, light trespass and even light pollution have always been existed all the time. Today, however, engineers in AGC can figure out these issues through professional lighting plan. Athletes can be trained in a very comfortable and safe environment. And the surrounding neighborhood will have a good quality of sleep. The graphic presents the results of the FL35 lighting calculation on the obtrusive light. Our engineer will keep trying until all the results are "pass".

LED lighting calculation on the obtrusive light

3. Energy-efficient, reduce energy loss

In the past time, there is no lighting calculation, most conventional sports lamps emit light at 360°,so that the energy wasting has become a big problem at that time. With the advent of lighting calculation, it optimize the energy  efficiency  by hitting light precisely through optical lenses. 

All in all, lighting calculation can be widely used in sports field construction. Don’t forget to prepare the basic information before calculating, such as size of play area, mounting height, number of fixtures and even the power of the former lamps and so on.


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