How to Read A Football Field Lighting Calculation Report

How to Read A Football Field Lighting Calculation Report

Mark Xie

In the LED lighting field, no matter indoor lighting or outdoor lighting, lighting calculation is always a measurable way to verify the lighting performance.

The lighting calculation report seems complicated at first glance, but actually, you can evaluate the result easily by checking several numbers.

Take football field lighting calculation for example, below four numbers mainly matter.

  1. Eav [lx], stands for average maintained horizontal illuminance, that is the average quantity of lux to be achieved for an installation.
  2. U0(U2), stands for uniformity, the ratio of the lowest to the average level of illuminance. An adequate level of uniformity is required to create balanced lighting conditions so that people’s eyes and the television cameras do not continually have to adapt to a different light level.
  3. GR stands for glare rating, it is assessed on a practical scale of 10 (un-noticeable glare) to 90 (unbearable glare). A maximum GR value of 50 is generally specified for sports projects.
  4. ULR stands for upward light ratio, the number of light spills into the sky, this effect is often referred to as “sky glow”. The lower the ULR the better.

PA and GR calculation of the football field

ULR of a football field lighting stimulation

EN12193-2018 standard for football field lighting is as below.

lighting specifications for not televised events

AGC can provide lighting calculation service through simulation software DIALux, Relux, AGI 32, etc, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any project inquiries.  


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