The salt spray test result of LED lighting

The salt spray test result of LED lighting

AGC Lighting

Let us analyze the test report :

1, The test condition: Salt solution: 5% NaCl, (more than seawater 1%-3.5%),

2, Test duration: 72 hours, As it is an accelerated corrosion test, testing 72 hours in the chamber means that testing the sample 3 years in the natural environment.

salt spray test condition

3, Performance rating:

If the defect area is less than 0.1%, the Rp/Ra is 9.

If the defect area is 0.1%-0.25%, the Rp/Ra is 8.

salt spray test performance rating

4, Rating of types of coating deterioration:

salt spray test rating of types of coating deterioration

5, Result:

After the test,  the results are that the corrosion Performance rating (Rp/Ra) is 9 or 8 and vs E.

It means the defect area is only less than 0.25%, a very slight amount of surface pitting for the surface of street lights.

For the screw, no defect, no corrosion.

salt spray test result

So we think that the result is positive and good.



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