What Is the L/B Value for LED Lights?

What Is the L/B Value for LED Lights?

Ivy Zhao

Everyone in LED lighting industry know the lifetime of LED light, but do you know how to indicate the end life 

and related lifetime? 

L and B can help you to know clearly.

L defines the percentage of lumen comparing with the initial lumens. B value means the failure data at the L 

data. So L/B value indicate the real lifetime at a certain hours.

For example, L80B10 at 50,000 hours means at 50,000hours, the LED lamp keeping 80% lumen from initial lumen and only 10% light failed to reach 80% lumen. L70B50 means only 50% lamp survive at 70% lumen remaining at 50,000hours. So the light with L80B10 is much better than it with L70B10. But how to judge the LB value of a light ? let’s take AGC high bay for example .

From our TM-21 report, we can also see the lumen maintenance of LED source is 91.59% at 50000hours at 25℃.

LED light LB value chat

So we can say our LED high bay light is L90 at 50000hours at 25℃. But when the working temperature is up to 30℃, 40℃ or 50℃, the fixture is still L90? Of course not, because the L/B value is related to the Tj of the LED which is effected by the working temperature of the light .

Let’s see below report provided by Nichia LED. We can see when the Tc of the LED is below 65deg, it can be regarded as L90, when the Tc of LED is below 90deg, it can be regarded as L80B10, When the Tc of LED is below about 115deg, it can be regarded as L70B10.

presumption of lifetime led light

You may confused Tc and Tj. 

Tj can be calculated as below, Rth is always given by the datasheet.

 Tj  =  Tc + Rth (j-c) x P

 Tc:           Case temperature

 Rth(j-c): Thermal resistance between Junction - Case

 P:            Current consumption


temperature data of led light

So from it we can see that the L/B is an very important value to judge the real quality of the light fixture. L100B0 is the best quality, but it’s impossible to get that. So from good quality to bad, that is L90, L80B10, L70B10 like this.

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Ivy Zhao
Ivy Zhao
Sales Engineer
8 years experience in LED industrial lighting. Your best problem solver with my professional LED knowledge, fast respond and patient service.
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