What Matters in Sports Lighting?

What Matters in Sports Lighting?

Mark Xie

What comes to your mind when talking about sports lighting? As far as we know, asymmetric lighting is becoming a trend no matter in recreational sports field or high class sports arena. The ultimate goal is not simply to light up the field but how to create pollution free lighting performance. We shall focus on controlling of upward light ratio(ULR), glare ratio(GR), luminous intensity(LI), obtrusive light. The asymmetric lighting will be the right choice.

Upward light ratio (ULR) generally, glare ratio (GR) for players and luminous intensity (LI), obtrusive light for neighbor are becoming increasingly important considerations for sports lighting designs in developed countries.

lighting pollution trespass chart

The parameters above are not the same but they are inter-related, therefore design improvements that achieve a low ULR will usually achieve a good GR and LI, so we can concentrate on minimize the ULR in priority.

Compared with symmetric beam profile, the asymmetric beam has the advantages to control ULR. Take below picture for example, when we use symmetric beam and asymmetric beam to light the same area, we have to tilt the luminaire upwards in 60°to 70°if use symmetric beam, while the tilt angle is only 20°to 30°or even 0°to 10°if use asymmetric beam. As we know, the smaller tilt angle the lower ULR will be, that’s critical in minimize light pollution.   


light beam angle control ULR   

We AGC dedicated to the innovation of sports lighting those years as well as in the coming years, please do not hesitate to contact us if you get problems in sports lighting applications.


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