A Guide to Urban Luminaires Planning

A Guide to Urban Luminaires Planning

Carol Zhou

Urban Luminaires could have different color and shape according to vision identity of that place. In general, urban lights as a parameter that increase people's safety in pedestrians and street, as a guide for drivers in roads, and as an element that presents more beauty to the environment, have a key role in urban order.

According to our experience, when clients choose Urban luminaries, the attractiveness of the appearance is especially important.

At AGC, we devote sufficient resources to designing and making multiple options.

To make your products differently (instead of making “me too” products).


awarded lighting fixtures led urban lighting

lighting design AGC led free design

Compact Design- Smart Growth Principle

Transportation costs—typically a fraction of a finished product's price—are emerging as another supply-chain hurdle, overwhelming some. For this, AGC designers recommend choosing a simple job or function that can work for a compact design, rather than something complicated of multi-functional in order to really focus and perfect the performance of your product.

Check out the PT01 here for a perfect example of a compact product!

compact design urban lighting PT01 AGC lighting

light weight compact design urban lighting

When designing, one must never forget that the main focus is to create a functional, working product.

If you have a great idea and you’d like to learn more about this process, get in touch with AGC here and visit our website to find out more.


About Us:

AGC has been a recognized market leader in industrial lighting and outdoor lighting in China.  We believe that devoting sufficient resources to the R&D team can increase the capacity for innovation, and in this field, new ideas, concepts, designs, and prototypes interact. Even with COVID-19, we didn't stop.



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